We have an unfortunate culture, particularly in Australia, of waiting until there’s a problem with our bodies before actually taking the initiative and doing something about our health. In these instances, we tend to treat the symptoms of the problem rather than the root cause.
When we do this, we’re inviting recurring problems and regular trips to the doctor. However, when we work on tackling the root issue, we see a wider improvement in all aspects of our health.
This method of tackling problems with the body is called preventative health, and you can read more about its benefits here.
In this article, we’ll discuss one of the simplest and most effective ways of getting started in preventative health treatment: walking.
Let’s start with a story from The Physio Co files!
Eighty-four-year-old Nora works twice weekly with TPC physiotherapists Maddy and Jarrod to keep her health at its optimum! Nora uses regular walking as her preferred way of getting into shape and preventing sickness further down the line.
Walking is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and help with pain relief for common conditions such as arthritis.
One of the biggest positives of walking – particularly for Nora – is the benefits in her mental health. Going for walks out in the community with her physios, is the perfect opportunity to get out and about, socialise and release endorphins to make her feel sharper, happier and more full of life.
So, how do you get started with a regular walking regime?
Of course, it’s as simple as going outside and getting your legs moving, but here are three quick tips that will help you to do it safely, while having more fun and success along the way!
1. Speak with your GP
If you haven’t exercised in a while, it’s important to get medical advice so that you know your limits and what you’re capable of.
For instance, they’ll take a look at your blood pressure and cholesterol, and then advise you accordingly as to what goals you can begin setting yourself.
2. Setting goals and targets
Once your GP has advised you on what you’re capable of, you can start setting yourself goals over a period of weeks and even months.
This is a great way of adding a competitive element to your walking, while also ensuring that you stick with it in the long-run. Don’t push yourself too hard, but aim to steadily start walking longer distances and watch as your fitness levels rise.
Nora has a goal for each physio session, which is to be able to walk down to the local park to watch one of her favourite birds.
3. Go with a friend
As mentioned above, walking isn’t just about physical fitness, it’s good for your mental state too.
Start walking with a friend or group of friends on a regular basis. You can even set your goals together, so that you’re collectively working towards the same objectives.
If you are unsure, you could, like Nora, invest in some professional physiotherapy guidance and advice to help you set and achieve your goals. A trained physiotherapist can help improve your walking technique and capacity, all while ensuring you are doing it safely and maximising your physical potential.
So what are you waiting for?
Put a plan in motion today towards fully enjoying the benefits of walking, and take your first steps towards engaging in preventative health!
Our professional therapists at The Physio Co can help with your health and wellness goals – just like they do with Nora! Feel free to call us for a chat on 1300 797 793, or email us at [email protected] 🙂
Article by Madeline Low, TPC physiotherapist
If you or your elderly Mum or Dad still have a dream or a goal to achieve, or are just feeling a bit down in confidence with walking, the TPC Client Care team is ready and waiting to chat!
For a confidential and no-obligation conversation with one of our client care specialists, please call 1300 797 793 or email [email protected].
EVERYDAY EXTRAORDINARY: How physiotherapy can help your elderly Mum or Dad live independently, for longer – DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY HERE