News – The Physio Co – Providers of Physiotherapy for Elderly Australians
Independent Life
Health and exercise tips ‘n’ tales for Australian seniors.
If your elderly Mum or Dad has been in hospital, getting them moving again is vital for their confidence, independence, long-term health and well-being. Loving support and encouragement from you at this time is critical. Your input will make returning to their previous activity levels that much easier — and there’s lots you can do. That’s why we’ve created this […]
Frailty is a common condition among older adults, characterised by reduced strength, endurance, and physiological function. It increases vulnerability to negative health outcomes such as falls, hospitalisations, and even death. The prevalence of frailty increases with age from about 11 per cent in over 65 year olds to 50 per cent in over 80-year-olds and […]
The loss of muscle and strength are inseparable effects of getting older, but it doesn’t need to be inevitable. Sarcopenia – the age-associated loss of skeletal muscle mass and function – is caused by a combination of factors, but its severity can vary greatly from person to person. If left unchecked, however, these progressive losses […]
As our parents age we need to be aware of the types of care and services that are available to them. Enter MY AGED CARE – established by the Federal Government, this is a service designed to make it easier for Aussie seniors and their families to find information on government-funded aged care services in […]
As physiotherapists, we always talk about keeping your physical body active. What is just as important though is keeping your mind active as well. Our cognition (thoughts and memory) is wired through trillions of neural connections in our brain, and if we don’t use it – we lose it! We need consistency and repetition to […]
For many seniors living independently, everyday tasks like laundry, cooking, or gardening can become more challenging. Family members often step in when they notice Mum or Dad struggling, but maintaining independence with these small tasks is important for mental and emotional well-being. Losing the ability to handle them on your own can feel like a […]
The phrase “no pain, no gain” is often linked with intense workouts, especially made famous by 1980s action stars like Sylvester Stallone in Rocky Balboa. But for seniors today, our understanding of pain in exercise has changed. While a bit of discomfort can be a normal part of challenging your body, it’s important to know […]
Did you know that a strong or weak hand grip may measure an individual’s risk of a heart attack or stroke, or dying from cardiovascular disease? Strong grip strength is important for more than just social reasons. A study published in The Lancet, which followed 140,000 adults ages 35 to 70 over four years, found […]
The past few years have been challenging for many of us. External factors outside of our personal control have affected us in many ways, causing levels of unease and anxiety not experienced before. Now, more than ever, continues to be a time to embrace slowing down and enjoying the simpler things in life. In times […]
“I am quite active during the day, is this enough to keep me healthy/fit?” You have probably heard that as we get older, we need to stay active (if you haven’t, then there are plenty of blog posts on this site referencing the benefits!). But how ‘active’ do we need to be? And, what is […]
Have you ever experienced a sharp, shooting pain that starts in your lower back and travels down one of your legs? If so, you might have dealt with sciatica. Don’t worry—you are not alone! Millions of people experience this condition and, while it can be painful and frustrating, there are ways to manage it effectively. […]
Loneliness and social isolation have emerged as the new silent epidemic among Australia’s aging population, rivalling smoking and obesity as key negative contributors to our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Loneliness occurs when we lack close connection with others; it is a subjective feeling and more predictive of mental health outcomes. Social isolation is an objective measure […]
How we view ageing has a big impact on how we respond. There are some firmly held beliefs (both individually and culturally) about getting old. If we’re honest, most of them are not positive. Growing older is widely associated with slowing down, aching joints and memory issues, to name just a few. The more we […]
It’s one of the first questions we learn to ask in school. And, on the surface, the answer is simple: If I was born on 1st January, 1958, and we are now in 2022, then I am 64 years old. Aren’t I? Well, technically, yes; going by the calendar I am 64 years old. Human […]
Strategies For Improving Your Memory – Advice For Elderly Australians Do you worry about your memory and looking for ways to improve it? Most of us worry from time to time whether our memory lapses are something we need to be concerned about. Memory involves acquiring, storing and recalling information and images and it is […]
At The Physio Co, we’re all about getting Aussie seniors to move more, with confidence. Of course, becoming stronger as we age, being able to move more freely and without pain, helps get us back to doing the things we love. Just because we’re in the seventh, eighth – or even ninth! – decade of […]
Over the many years The Physio Co (TPC) has been in operation, our client care team has spoken with literally thousands of Aussie seniors about their physical health needs, and explained how guided physiotherapy sessions might help them become stronger, more mobile, and confident in their day-to-day life. One question that keeps popping up in […]
Osteoporosis exercises for seniors can make a significant difference in mobility. Many older people want to know how they can increase bone density and exercise safely. In this article, TPC physiotherapist Katie Jenkins provides a guide to the best types of exercise to do if you have osteoporosis. What is osteoporosis? An estimated 853,000 […]
Gone are the days of a hip replacement lasting only ten years – with technology advancing at the pace it is, they will be growing new legs by the time we need repeat surgery! Nevertheless, for those who have decided upon a hip replacement, it is imperative to prepare! At The Physio Co (TPC), we […]
One of the challenges for several of our clients is they are caring for a loved one while trying to manage their own health. It’s therefore especially important they maintain mobility so they are sufficiently strong to be able to look after others. Jo was originally referred to us by a fellow resident of the […]
Falls are a major health concern for the elderly and the risk increases significantly once people pass 80 years old. They are one of the main factors for admission into aged care facilities, which makes staying safe at home incredibly important for Aussie seniors. While falls are common in the elderly population, they are preventable. […]
What is the difference between physiotherapy and occupational therapy? As if the body is not complicated enough! Sometimes we need different therapists to help return us to health. You would have heard of physiotherapists (physios) and occupational therapists (OTs), but do you know who does what? Physios and OTs are often placed under the same […]
As children, we are naturally flexible. This is because, as kids, many of our bones are made of flexible cartilage that hardens over time. In our 20 and 30’s, our bones are well established, and flexibility takes a bit more work to attain. When we get over the age of 36, we are no longer […]
With the average Australian now living well into their 80s, the likelihood of seniors needing total knee replacement surgery is increasing. If you have osteoarthritis (OA) in one or both of your knees, the time may come when a total knee replacement is the best solution. This article will take you through some information about […]
At the Physio Co we work very closely with the families of our senior clients. We believe it’s very important to involve the families right from the start. We do this intentionally by: Collaboratively setting meaningful health goals with a clear plan Providing regular updates and communication by method of choice on your Mum or […]
Lower back pain affects most adults at some stage in their life. While it can be very frustrating and uncomfortable, for most people optimising the way we move and taking care of our bodies can help to get the pain under control – and get us back to doing what we love. With this in […]
You might have noticed that your posture (or that of your Mum or Dad’s) has changed over time, whether it’s a change in position sitting on the couch or completing everyday tasks. As we age, our posture changes, and with poor posture comes the increased likelihood of falls and injuries. Upright posture is one of […]
Do you sense that you (or your elderly Mum or Dad) are tiring easily throughout the day, getting short of breath quickly, walking slowly, or generally just feeling weak? These could be signs of frailty, but there are safe and simple ways to help you feel stronger and more confident. Remember, no matter how old […]
As we learn more and more about what our bodies need to stay happy and healthy, keeping active remains at the forefront of our minds. During the warmer months, it’s easy to stay motivated. You can go for a walk and feel the warmth and sunshine on your body. During the winter months, however, sitting […]
“How can I help?” is an important and pressing question on many people’s minds when it comes to supporting Mum or Dad on their safe return from a stay in hospital. But often it can be tricky to know where to start. Perhaps this is the first time you find yourself looking after your elderly […]
We’ve published a series of articles on rehabilitation at home for seniors. You can check them out here: Home-based rehab for seniors: How family members can help Mum or Dad after surgery (or a stay in hospital) How can a physiotherapist help with rehabilitation? What conditions can benefit from rehabilitation with a physiotherapist? In this […]
Rehabilitation is a fact of life for most of us at some point, but it’s particularly important as we get older. Rehabilitation is care that can help you get back, keep or improve abilities that you need for daily life. These abilities may be physical, mental or cognitive. You may have lost them because of […]
Everyone, especially our seniors, should have the chance to live independently with pride. Ageing can sometimes make independent living difficult, but we know that our elderly Mums and Dads want to stay in their own home for as long as possible. Fortunately, small changes and a little support can go a long way towards helping […]
Osteoarthritis refers to long-term changes in joints due to inflammation. This can result in pain and weakness, affecting one’s ability to perform everyday tasks. When we experience pain, it is natural to want to avoid everything that causes it. This may be the case with acute injuries, but with chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis, avoiding […]
Exercises to improve balance in seniors can be simple, safe and effective. Improving your balance is one of the ways you can minimise the risk of falls and feel better. Balance exercises are an important part of an exercise regime, especially for older adults. It is best to seek the help of a physiotherapist before […]
Do you ever want to do some gardening, cooking, walking the dog or going for a game of lawn bowls, only to feel like your body would prefer to sit on the couch or have a nap? It’s not uncommon to feel tired from time to time, especially as we get older. However, feeling tired […]
We’ve all heard about the benefits of walking – it helps strengthen our muscles, keeps our bones healthy and keeps us active. Over time, however, we may see a decline in our own or a family member’s walking, particularly if they live in an aged care home. So why is it still so important they […]
As we get older our joints get less flexible. Daily activities such as standing up from a chair or getting in and out of bed can become increasingly difficult. It can get harder to raise your arms overhead or turn your head while backing up the car. These changes can be caused by conditions such […]
We have an unfortunate culture, particularly in Australia, of waiting until there’s a problem with our bodies before actually taking the initiative and doing something about our health. In these instances, we tend to treat the symptoms of the problem rather than the root cause. When we do this, we’re inviting recurring problems and regular […]
At The Physio Co (TPC), we like to think big, and then act small, as often as we can. If we think a walking aid (like a walking stick or walking frame) can make a positive difference to the life of an older person that we work with, then we’ll let them know and do […]
Being able to walk confidently is often a big factor in an older person’s ability to do the things they love. It is not just the physical loss of mobility that people experience as they age, but a loss of confidence in their mobility, too. These things are often closely linked and can exacerbate each […]
As we age, staying active becomes increasingly important for our overall well-being. Yet, it’s not uncommon to face barriers like low confidence, lack of motivation, or simply not knowing where to start. Enter the simple yet powerful solution: walking. Tailored to the needs of those over 65, walking is a low-impact exercise that packs a […]
Living independently at home starts with identifying the warning signs of ageing, and any support needed, early in the process. Do you have a Mum or Dad who is getting older? Have you seen the warning signs that often go unnoticed? How can you tell if Mum or Dad are starting to need help to […]
You may associate being flexible with prima ballerinas and gymnasts, but did you know that, even as we age, everyone can work on improving their leg flexibility? So, what is flexibility? Flexibility is the joint’s ability to be moved through an unrestricted ‘range of motion’ (this refers to how far you can move or stretch […]
As our Mums and Dads age, one thing we should be vigilant about is the potential for falls. The statistics tell the story, with about 30 per cent of adults over the age of 65 having at least one fall per year, that’s one in three older adults. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related […]
Physiotherapy, motivation and mindset “Whether you, think you can or think you can’t, you are right” – Henry Ford The way you think matters. Mindset matters. You may have heard of mindset being the key to achieving the results you want in life, whether it be in your personal life, career or in sports. Mindset, […]
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive disorder that affects nerve cells in the brain that responsible for body movement. When working with seniors who have Parkinson’s, TPC’s physios focus on helping to reduce symptoms involved and, in doing so, improve our clients’ quality of life for as long as possible. Treating the symptoms of Parkinson’s […]
Aussies love their holidays away. It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s always fun to get away from our day-to-day lives and explore somewhere new, or return to a favourite holiday destination that brings us joy. Whether it’s visiting family and friends across this amazing country of ours, or perhaps an adventure overseas, it’s […]
“My mum/dad has just been transitioned into palliative care. Can physiotherapy help during this phase of their life?” Receiving the news that your elderly Mum or Dad, or family member, has been transitioned into palliative care can be an emotionally challenging experience. During this delicate phase of life, where the focus is on providing comfort […]
The Physio Co Tips: Vertigo Vertigo is the feeling that you are moving when you are not, or it might feel like things around you are moving when they are not. It is a symptom, rather than a condition. Vertigo can feel similar to motion sickness, dizziness or feeling as if the room is spinning. […]
Is it possible to delay the onset of dementia and if so, are there things we can do to help us reduce the risk of the disease? There are seven key risk factors that can be modified to prevent dementia onset and three non-modifiable risk factors that cannot be altered. The risk factors that cannot […]
How to improve your fitness: a guide for Australia’s over-65s OK, I know I can definitely benefit from improving my fitness – what should I do and how should I do it? How to improve our fitness? The answer, according to the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care guidelines, is a recommended minimum […]
As we age, our cognition, or mental processes, naturally decline; this means that some of us will experience some form of memory loss after the age of 65. Often memories formed many years ago remain quite stable but forming new memories can be difficult; our ‘working memory’ – i.e. recalling a phone number – is […]
As our Mums and Dads age, they may encounter difficulties in maintaining their independence, which in turn can sometimes lead to self-neglect. Therefore, it becomes vitally important for them to start prioritising their physical, emotional and mental well-being through self-care practices, if they’re not already doing so. Understanding the potential consequences of elderly neglect and […]
The sun can do wonders for our body such as improving our mood and immunity. But there are two sides to the story, and we should be mindful of one key change occurring in our bodies as we age: a decreased ability to disperse internal heat. This happens because of changes such as decreased sweating […]
An Occupational Therapist’s GuideTo Getting Organised For Surgery Hip and knee replacements are among the most common elective surgeries performed. While these procedures may seem a little daunting, the benefits (less pain and better mobility) are very positive and exciting. You can expect a recovery period of about six weeks following either of these procedures. […]
“I want Mum (or Dad) to try physio but they’re not all that keen.” This is something we hear often from sons and daughters (and carers) of Aussie seniors. They know their Mum or Dad would benefit from clinically-based exercise and movement, but, well getting them to give it a go is not always straightforward! […]
Caring for an elderly parent with dementia can be challenging. All of us want to be treated with respect and dignity and this is how we should treat our Mum or Dad if they are diagnosed with dementia and gradually go through the three different stages of the disease. Dementia affects each person differently with […]
Did you know that approximately one in six Australians suffer from some form of back pain? Are you part of this statistic? If so, we have provided five practical tips below to help with your situation. Lower back pain can change your life drastically if it is not well managed. So, if you suffer from […]
“Mum/dad seems to stoop over when walking with their frame. Can anything be done to improve their posture?” As our parents age, we may notice changes in their posture and mobility, particularly when it comes to walking. One common concern is the “stooped-over” posture often seen when elderly individuals use a walking frame or walker. […]
Recurrent headache is one of the most common ailments, and if you have experienced it you’ll know how much it can interfere with your everyday life and significantly affect your mood. But did you know that one of the most common types of headache – known as cervicogenic headache – is actually related to neck […]
Spring has sprung and what better way for our elderly Mums and Dads to keep active than to get out and do some gardening! Of course, we want to make sure the experience is a pleasurable one for our parents. To that end, here are some tips on how they can keep their bodies safe […]
Inflammation is a natural and necessary biological response to injury or infection. It’s part of the body’s defence mechanism and is the process by which the immune system recognises and removes harmful and foreign stimuli and begins the healing process. Unfortunately, due to our modern lifestyles, it has become a response that doesn’t always go […]
An example of what we can still accomplish by keeping fit and active into our senior years, here’s the incredible story of veteran marathon runner Fauja Singh. Fauja was born in Punjab, India, in 1911. As a young man, he was a keen amateur runner but did not pursue his passion until the 1990s, after he […]
“We’ve just found out that Dad is osteopenic. What is that and how do we treat it?” When your elderly Mum or Dad receives a diagnosis like osteopenia, it can be a source of concern and uncertainty. Osteopenia is a medical condition that affects bone density, and while it’s not as severe as osteoporosis, it […]
As we head into the warmer months, one thing we really look forward to doing with our clients here at TPC is to incorporate getting outdoors into our treatment sessions as much as possible. Getting some sunshine not only helps boost mood and vitamin D levels (important for bone health and immunity), but also our […]
Maria is one of the elderly clients we’ve been able to meet and work with at The Physio Co (TPC). Maria needed a total hip replacement to help improve the pain she’d been having for years in her hip, leg and knee – all on the left side. She had been preparing for her operation […]
The biggest event on The Physio Co’s annual learning calendar is the TPC Swarm conference, writes TPC CEO and founder, Tristan White TPC Swarm is a day to learn, grow and celebrate. It’s a fun day that supports our TPC team to connect and better help more clients to set and smash their meaningful health […]
Peripheral neuropathy can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race or ethnicity, but the risk of developing it increases as we get older so it’s something we need to be aware of as our elderly Mums and Dads continue living independently at home for longer. So what is peripheral neuropathy and how can a trained […]
It’s no secret that exercise is a key part of maintaining one’s physical function. Staying active, at any age, has been well proven to provide numerous health benefits, from reducing your risk of heart disease, to improving your mood. Older adults should aim for 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most days of […]
As our Mums and Dads age, they may encounter difficulties in maintaining their independence, which in turn can sometimes lead to self-neglect. Therefore, it becomes vitally important for them to start prioritising their physical, emotional and mental well-being through self-care practices, if they’re not already doing so. Understanding the potential consequences of elderly neglect and learning […]
Winter’s well and truly upon us! As the temperature drops and the weather outside becomes steadfastly more bleak than sunny, sometimes all we feel like doing is rugging up and hibernating for a while, right? Unfortunately, this could be setting up problems later on! With this in mind, here are some things we need to […]
Robert is one of TPC’s clients. He has just had his 80th birthday – go Robert! Robert would usually love to get down to his local club and celebrate with his family and friends, but this year he has been feeling a bit reluctant to do so. Over the past few months, Robert has noticed […]
We all know that as we age, taking care of our bodies becomes increasingly important. Physiotherapy is one of the most effective ways to help maintain our physical and mental health; more specifically, it can play a key role in improving mobility, managing pain, and boosting overall well-being. But how do you find the right […]
In this episode of the Everyday Extraordinary podcast, host Tristan White, founder of The Physio Co, chats with Professor Peter Reaburn about his approach to active ageing. This is the second in a two-part interview series with Peter (pictured), who is an expert in the science of exercise. In the previous episode (#3), we dived into the […]
We all want to look after our elderly Mum and/or Dad as they age. For many of us, we’re keen to see them living happy and fulfilled lives, living independently in their own homes for as long as possible. Having a caring physiotherapist in your corner to help Mum or Dad stay mobile and active […]
Staying healthier at home for longer – The Physio Co. Most people, as they get older, like to stay living in their own home for as long as possible. We get that at The Physio Co (TPC): that’s why our caring physiotherapists conduct visits to Aussie seniors wherever they call home! Life at home can […]
Exercise plays a key role in keeping us fit and healthy as we age. Indeed, it can be a critical factor in how long a person can remain living independently at home well into their 70s, 80s and beyond. In this episode of the Everyday Extraordinary podcast, host Tristan White, founder of The Physio Co, chats with […]
One of the highlights of my week as a physiotherapist is teaching in-person exercise classes every Tuesday. With the music, the movement and the great community atmosphere, I always leave with a big smile on my face! I strongly encourage Aussie seniors to give in-person exercise classes a go if they get the chance! Whether […]
The fear of falling is a common concern voiced by older people. Simply put, a fear of falling is an ongoing concern about falling that limits the undertaking of daily activities. In fact, roughly one-third of people who are elderly develop a fear of falling. This anxiety can feel like a protective mechanism but, studies […]
In this episode, The Physio Co’s Tristan White and specialist seniors physiotherapist, Nancy Klinko, demystify home care package (HCP) funding in Australia. HCP funding is an Australian Federal Government initiative that provides money to people over 65 years of age, specifically to help them stay living independently at home for as long as possible. It’s […]
Tennis, cricket, netball, athletics, gymnastics – whatever it may be that you enjoy, think of the benefits that you get out of sport: a sense of community, a chance to socialise, a fun way to keep fit and healthy, improved confidence in yourself and better mental wellbeing. The list goes on and on! But what happens as […]
At the Physio Co, we are not just passionate about helping seniors to stay mobile, safe and happy anywhere they call home, we are also keen to support daughters and sons (and other family members) to navigate the challenges involved in helping their every Mum or Dad stay living independently at home for longer. To […]
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many Aussie seniors have grown in confidence and competence using technology – particularly Zoom! Meetings, celebrations and learning all had to adjust to an online format in some way. This has given many of us the ‘crash course’ in Zoom that we needed to feel comfortable and probably feels close to […]
As we age, our ability to move about becomes increasingly important in maintaining our independence. Being able to walk is often a determining factor in an older person’s ability to stay living at home – and a significant loss of mobility is often the trigger for more care or even a move into an aged […]
Four-wheel walkers* (4WW) are wonderful tools. They empower individuals to get out and about safely, improve balance, have a host of convenient accessories, are easy to transport and provide a place to sit when chairs are in limited supply. Just like any tool, however, the benefits of a 4WW are unlocked when used in a […]
As we age, changes inevitably occur in our bodies that make aspects of our daily lives more challenging. For instance, stiffness and pain in our joints can make it harder to perform tasks that were once simple, like hanging the washing or lifting the kettle. Balance issues can make it harder to pick up […]
Safety first – then our expert physios help clients gain the confidence to push the boundaries of what they can achieve, writes TPC founder and CEO, Tristan White Safety first is a good rule of thumb when setting exercise goals for seniors. We (as physiotherapists) and our clients both need to feel reassured we’re […]
It’s a fact – following a regular exercise program will benefit you in body and mind, writes The Physio Co founder and CEO, Tristan White Staying fit into later life makes perfect sense, right? Stay active and you’ll enjoy a better quality of life for longer, and be happier. So why do some people […]
When our physical powers start to wane, our psychological make-up can also suffer as our confidence takes a tumble. Grace, a client of The Physio Co, had lost her confidence in walking after a fall – as many people do – and found she would also get tired easily. Her dearest wish was to maintain […]
What inspires you to move? One of my clients recently made a wonderfully reasonable comment that got me thinking about this very question. She said: “Joh, why would I march on the spot? I’d actually just like to walk across the road to the op shop.” Olive* expressed a common concern that many people have […]
The Physio Co team recently heard from sports science expert Professor Peter Reaburn how to help seniors maintain a fulfilling lifestyle, writes TPC founder and CEO Tristan White If we stay active in our senior years, it follows that our enjoyment of life is better. Using exercise to remain mobile helps maintain our lifestyle, […]
At The Physio Co (TPC), we believe it’s important to celebrate exercise milestones – it’s an acknowledgement of the hard work our clients and team put in, and an inspiration to others. So, we make no apology for shouting this one from the rooftops – we’ve just had our 3000th senior client smash their exercise […]
Here at the Physio Co (TPC), we pride ourselves on deepening the level of connection we have with our clients, their families and each other. Given we’re a community-based mobile physio service, ensuring we have a sense of connection with one another is very important. We do that daily, virtually, but we always try wherever […]
Stretching the muscles in your body to maintain your flexibility is important for everyday tasks, especially as we get older. Regular stretching allows you to remain supple in your joints and complete deeper movements when you exercise. These deeper movements, in turn, allow muscles to be strengthened throughout their whole range. Below we look at […]
When you start a new exercise class or join a gym you will often be asked about your blood pressure. You may be thinking why does this question always come up? The main reason is that blood pressure (BP) is a reasonable indicator of overall heart health. Additionally, if you have high or low blood […]
Building healthy exercise habits: a guide for Australian seniors We all want to create healthy habits in our lives – but it’s all about our willpower, right? James Clear, author of the book ‘Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones’, argues that it may not be that […]
Ageing is a natural part of life. And, no matter how hard some try, we can’t avoid it. But what is happening as we age? And what action can we take to minimise the impact of the changes? When do we start to ‘age’? It is generally accepted that the majority of our growth happens […]
When you think of a healthy life, what do you see? Maybe you see a person smiling and holding a cup of water. Maybe you imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger – someone with lots of muscles! Perhaps you imagine yourself at the gym or going for a walk with the dog. When you think of a healthy […]
Have you noticed that you, or your elderly Mum or Dad, are finding it harder to reach for things in the overhead cupboards, or are needing more help perhaps with overhead activities like hanging the washing out or getting that favourite coat off the coat hanger? It’s because as we age, we start to slowly […]
The shoulder is a very versatile and complex joint. Due to its ‘ball and socket’ structure, it can move in multiple directions and support weight in various positions. This is beneficial for a range of activities, but it means the shoulder is inherently more unstable than other joints in the body. It is like a […]
Coordination is needed for activities we perform every day. It is the driving factor in how we perform smooth, controlled, and efficient movements. We can break down coordination into four main categories: fine motor skills, gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and foot-eye coordination. Let’s look at each of these in more detail. Fine motor skills […]
There’s nothing quite like a walk in the great outdoors to reinvigorate mind, body and spirit. It’s so inspiring that Graham, one of The Physio Co’s latest success stories, likes to capture scenes on his phone camera. However, when walking becomes difficult, you can imagine the difficulty of trying to keep your balance while holding […]
This is part 2 of our mindfulness video series for seniors (click here for the introductory video). We are producing these short instructional videos because at TPC, we believe that a healthy mind makes for a healthy body. In this, the third video in the series, our physiotherapist Joh will guide you through a mindfulness […]
We recently introduced our mindfulness video series for seniors (click here for the introductory video). We are producing these instructional videos because at TPC, we believe that a healthy mind makes for a healthy body. In this, the second video in the series, TPC physiotherapist Joh leads us through a short gentle, mindful movement and […]
Being able to walk confidently is often a big factor in an older person’s ability to stay living at home – a significant loss of mobility is often the trigger for more care or even a move towards residential care. It is not just the physical loss of mobility that people experience as they age, […]
Everyone, especially seniors, should have the chance to live independently with pride. Losing independence is difficult for older people like your Mum, Dad or another older person in your life. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment: they have lived independently almost their entire lives – working, raising a family (maybe you!) and being […]
IMAGINE THIS: You wake from a deep sleep; your eyes blink open. You feel the cool morning air as you remove the blankets and venture into the day ahead. Then …. uh oh, something stops you in your tracks! You feel a tight pull and a nip of pain as you begin to move. Your […]
Welcome to TPC’s new mindfulness video series for seniors. We are producing these instructional videos because at TPC, we believe that a healthy mind makes for a healthy body. In this, the first video in the series, TPC physiotherapist Joh takes us through an introduction of what mindfulness is and why it is important to […]
Good communication is vital to achieve positive results in physiotherapy. Accordingly, we have a core value here at The Physio Co – “Respect Everyone” – which reminds us to communicate in clear, concise, and honest ways with our clients, the families and carers of our clients, and with our peers and colleagues. As physiotherapists, we […]
“Sleep is the best meditation” – Dalai Lama Wouldn’t we all love to say that we’ve had a good night’s sleep? Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could lay our heads on our pillows and fall instantly into blissful, uninterrupted sleep, every night? Sadly, this is far from reality for most of us. Getting a […]
TPC has launched a new podcast by community physios, for community physios. Called The Confident Physio, the podcast is for Australian physiotherapists in the earlier stages of their professional journey. Part behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to be a community physiotherapist working with seniors, part education and self-improvement on how you can become the […]
Low back pain is a very common problem across a large number of age groups, including older adults. It can have a huge impact on a person’s quality of life as the pain, restricted movement, inability to perform daily activities, hobbies or sports interrupt the person’s ability to live their life. The causes of low […]
You may have heard of the term “rehabilitation” but aren’t quite sure whether or not it’s suitable for you or your loved one. After a hospital admission, a doctor may have recommended some rehab. After your fall, someone might have said that you should have some rehab at home. So, what conditions is rehab actually […]
Imagine your Mum or Dad has been in hospital for a short stay following an operation or other illness. After a successful procedure, they’ve recovered well enough that the surgeon is happy to send them home. Then what? That’s the point when our clients at The Physio Co – and their families – need a […]
If you suffer a stroke, the goal will be to recover as quickly as possible. While there is no magic pill involved, there are a few small steps you can take that may help speed up your recovery and assist you in building positive habits over time. Here are eight of them: Stimulation and repetitive […]
It seems hydrotherapy is getting more and more popular with Aussie seniors these days. It’s said to help relieve muscle tension, reduce joint stiffness, and improve pain. But what is hydrotherapy? How does it work, and who is it suitable for? Hydrotherapy, or aquatic therapy, involves immersion in water to help with recovery and rehabilitation […]
The most important thing when it comes to improving our health and our happiness is simply to get started … and remember to give yourself a bit of grace as you learn to implement these healthy lifestyle practices! One of my favourite quotes goes something like this: “The best time to plant a tree was […]
As Melbourne and Sydney continue to live with growing Covid numbers in the community, we thought it timely to outline what we’re doing at The Physio Co to ensure our senior clients not only stay mobile and happy … but safe and healthy as well. The safety and wellbeing of all TPCers and their clients […]
“Use it or lose it!” I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase if you’ve ever seen a physiotherapist or a GP about wanting to improve your health. The advice is more or less about doing a set of exercises or joining an exercise class to help you to regularly move your body in ways to improve […]
Regaining mobility and independence isn’t always about one person; partners and carers are a key part of that journey of recovery. That was certainly the case with The Physio Co client Arthur, whose wife Kathy played a crucial part in him regaining mobility – and his zest for life. Kathy says it was always Arthur […]
Moving out of home, loss of independence, cancelled events, the death of someone close to you – maybe you have experienced one or more of these situations? Grief is a response to loss. Specifically, loss of someone or something to which a bond of affection was formed. As your parents move through life, particularly in […]
Families and friends are often a key motivation for setting ourselves targets recovery and rehab – and let’s not forget pets. The companionship of a best friend, special relative or favourite furry companion are all good reasons for setting an exercise goal. For Bev, the goals were twofold: to see her daughter, Libby, and be […]
There is no set time or age to move into residential aged care. The right time may not be easy to recognise, and each situation is different. But, in general, the longer an older person can remain at home, the better. This is so they can remain independent for as long as possible before needing […]
Many seniors are anxious about the risk of having a fall – and the damage isn’t limited to the actual injury that can result. It’s also the resulting loss of confidence, and the way that may restrict people’s enjoyment of life. Marlene’s journey to The Physio Co began with the realisation that not everything was […]
Dogs are quite rightly known as ‘man’s best friend’, and our canine companions play an important role in keeping us in good health physically and mentally. For Helen, taking her dog Benji for a walk is one of life’s little pleasures. It’s a great way to keep active, take a deep breath of fresh air […]
Australians are living longer than ever before. In lockstep with that trend, more and more seniors are choosing to stay independent, living at home for longer. This has been backed up by research from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, which found that Australians of all ages would prefer to receive […]
Determination is a great asset in the challenge to regain full mobility. With the right attitude, you’re halfway there. The Physio Co always sets relevant and achievable goals for its clients, but it’s the individual’s hard work that is rewarded. Valda (pictured) is a case in point. She’s a very determined woman and readily accepted […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented all of us with many challenges to navigate. Some people have had more time than ever and invested this into building sustainable habits for health and fitness. However, for others (sometimes for reasons beyond their control), the past 18 months or so have led to extended periods of inactivity. As […]
Personal appearance is essential to our sense of pride and wellbeing, and it’s important to maintain this into later life. Likewise, it’s important to maintain our mobility and exercise routine. Like most of us, Margaret takes care in looking her best, so it was especially dispiriting for her when decreased mobility made it harder for […]
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in the elderly and can lead to serious complications. A UTI is an infection of the urinary tract, which consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. UTIs are most commonly caused by bacteria entering through the urethral opening and travelling up to the bladder, and can continue to […]
At The Physio Co, we love striving for big goals! Likewise, we love helping our clients set and smash their goals too – 2000 of them, to be exact! Two thousand client goals smashed – yay! This is a great milestone, so we got some of the TPC team members together to make this quick […]
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, degenerative neurological condition; in Australia, it affects 100,000 people, with 38 people being diagnosed every day. The disease is caused by cell damage that results in a loss of dopamine; a key chemical that helps the body communicate with the brain. Parkinson’s disease is highly individual, with symptoms varying from […]
Approximately 50% of people experience neck pain at some point in their lives. Given that our neck has the duty of supporting and pointing our head in nearly all directions, it’s not surprising that it can occasionally feel stiff and sore. Common causes of a sore neck include: tense neck or shoulder muscles, reduced strength […]
What is a stroke? The brain is supplied with oxygen and nutrient rich blood carried through blood vessels called arteries. A stroke occurs when these arteries are either burst or blocked, and blood flow to a part of the brain is impeded. Strokes affect everyone differently but it can generally impact “how you think, behave, […]
Everyone loves being invited to a wedding. Witnessing the exchange of vows and seeing all the wonderful outfits all make for an occasion to remember. But if you’re a guest who is worried about your mobility on the big day, the excitement can turn to apprehension. That’s why The Physio Co client Daphne chose her […]
With the Olympic Games just around the corner, many of us are looking forward to seeing competitors striving for greatness in their various disciplines. Now, you may think this has little to do with The Physio Co’s work, but just as those athletes have the Games to aim for during four long years of training, […]
Freedom. It’s something we take for granted in our younger years, but as we age it becomes increasingly restricted. That’s why regular physiotherapy and strengthening exercises are so important as we grow older. That’s where The Physio Co comes in. By helping seniors set exercise goals that are both a challenge yet achievable, we help […]
5 simple indoor exercises to keep Australian seniors active. As we learn more and more about what our bodies need to stay happy and healthy, keeping active remains at the forefront of our minds. During the warmer months, it’s easy to stay motivated. You can go for a walk and feel the warmth and sunshine […]
Setting exercise goals is a continual process – as soon as you conquer one, it’s time to set your sights on the next target. Fortunately, Paula is one of The Physio Co’s star clients, and keeping her eyes on the exercise prize comes as second nature to her. In May 2020, Paula helped The Physio […]
When we talk to our clients about goal-setting, one of the strongest motivational factors is family. It makes perfect sense; creating memories with our nearest and dearest is a good reason to get fit and strong – and stay that way. The Physio Co helps clients to set goals so they can visualise the rewards […]
Life after total hip replacement surgery is just that – getting back to life! After completing the final stages of post-operative rehabilitation for a Total Hip Replacement (THR), you may be wondering what the next steps are to get back to your old life. Today we’ll explore the 3 W’s of getting back to life […]
Helping Cherilyn reach her mobility goal – to enjoy a decent cup of coffee! Australia is known for its coffee culture, and the citizens of its major cities debate the best place to get a cup, whether your preference is a latte or a long black. So when Cherilyn found she was struggling with the […]
Increasing hip strength and stability before surgery has been found to have some very favourable outcomes in recovery post-surgery. Faster recovery, a decreased length of stay in hospital are two key benefits. A decreased chance of requiring in-patient rehab and decreased risk of post-surgical pain are additional outcomes. Give your body a head start on […]
Recovering from hip replacement with physiotherapy. You are getting a hip replacement soon. Besides being a little anxious, you’re also excited, and can’t wait to get back to the activities that you love to do. Perhaps it’s getting back to the golf course or returning to some gardening? Seeking the help of a physiotherapist is […]
How physiotherapy can help prevent falls So you’ve had a fall or have been told that you are at high risk of falling. What should you do now and what can help prevent falls? Engaging in physiotherapy can be an effective way to stay safe and stay on your feet. Let’s discuss what is involved […]
Starting with the end in mind: how to create a plan for success! So you’ve set a goal – fantastic! The goal is the destination we are going to work towards, but how are you going to get there? Lots of people set goals, but achieving them means taking the right action. One advantage of […]
Tips for overcoming chronic stress as we get older Have you ever wondered how stress can affect your body? Among many other health complications, a recent study* showed living with chronic stress can increase your risk of a stroke by FOUR times. Chronic stress is when we are living in a state of constant stress […]
How physiotherapy can help to tackle Alzheimer’s disease Early intervention physiotherapy for Alzheimer’s disease can work wonders for older adults. Most of us know about Alzheimer’s disease, whether it’s because someone we know has been diagnosed with it, or we have read about it. More than 450,000 people in Australia are affected with dementia, 70 per cent of […]
Tips for managing arthritis in your hands or wrists Have you noticed your hands and wrists not working like they used to? Perhaps opening that new jar of jam has become impossible, turning the key in the door causes a twinge of pain, or using a knife and fork is more difficult. Loss of grip […]
Physiotherapy helping seniors stay mobile, safe & happy in their own homes At The Physio Co, we love to share inspiring stories of clients who triumph over adversity through hard work and determination. Walter (pictured below) had a big challenge ahead of him when a road accident left him with multiple fractures to the C2 […]
The Physio Co Core Values Core values underpin everything we do here at The Physio Co (you can check out our core values here). Our values are what set us apart from others and provide guidance for making decisions every day whether we are working in an aged care centre, a retirement village or on a home […]
Struggling to stay active by yourself? Try group exercise! We all know that exercise is good for you. Especially as you get older, exercise is very important in maintaining strength, balance and coordination. It even helps to improve your mood. But sometimes when you are by yourself, it can be hard to stay motivated and […]
TPC delivers 2 million physio consultations to Australian seniors By TRISTAN WHITE – Founder and CEO (‘Chief Enthusiasm Officer’) * Helping seniors stay mobile, safe and happy is what The Physio Co’s team of physiotherapists does for its clients every day. Maybe you prefer a more energetic description: helping seniors set and smash their […]
Nadia’s physiotherapy sessions are ‘amazing’ When our clients smash their goals through hard work and determination, the team at The Physio Co feel an equal sense of satisfaction. One example of this is physiotherapist Sue Mavin, who says of her client Nadia: “I love seeing Nadia’s lovely smile when I arrive – she is such […]
National Stroke Week puts physiotherapy in the spotlight With National Stroke Week (August 31 to September 6) taking place, it’s time to talk about strokes – a condition that affects thousands of Australians. Strokes affect people differently, meaning they will have varying problems and needs. For some people, the effects may be fairly minor and […]
Physiotherapy helps Nico spend time in the garden When you’re working towards an exercise goal, it helps to have an image in your mind of the end result. For Nico Koutsoubis (pictured), the image that keeps him going when physio sessions are tough is being out in the garden with his chooks. TPC physio Karleen […]
How to make your hospital stay more comfortable and productive Visiting hospital means lots of different things to different people. You could be excited about a knee operation that will mean you have no more pain when you walk. Maybe you have cut your hand and just need it stitched up. Or perhaps you have […]
Incontinence in older adults: what you need to know (and how a physio can help) Do you feel embarrassed to talk about continence issues? Don’t suffer in silence! Incontinence is a common problem, particularly in older adults. Incontinence can have an enormous impact on a person’s health and quality of life. It can also place […]
The Physio Co online exercise classes for seniors The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rapid increase in the use of technology to stay connected. Meetings, celebrations and learning have all had to adjust to an online environment in some way. Many of us have now experienced celebrating a loved one’s birthday over an iPad […]
Paula’s 1000th physiotherapy exercise target reached! ‘Seniors smashing goals’ is a regular catchphrase here at The Physio Co – and that maxim has been met emphatically with our 1000th exercise target being achieved. Paula is our champion record-setter after working hard with her TPC physiotherapist, Sue. A chance conversation in a pharmacy between the two […]
What physiotherapy has to do with gratitude for seniors Have you ever wondered how having a “grateful heart” affects your overall health, well-being and performance? We hear a lot in social media and the workplace about the power of positive thinking and the “power of gratitude” on our body, brains and productivity. What is gratitude? […]
High intensity interval training (HITT) for seniors Physical activity should be seen as an effective medicine for people with chronic medical problems – or those at risk of heart condition, stroke, diabetes, dementia and those with neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. Exercise decreases the risk of injury and treats chronic disease […]
Physio Exercise Helps Seniors Smash Goals Not everyone loves exercise; in fact, for many of us it can seem a real chore, particularly as we get older. But if you have a clear goal in mind, the end result will always make the effort worthwhile. Enid Walkington makes no secret of the fact that she […]
How physiotherapy can help seniors with shoulder pain Picking up a bottle of milk from the shelf, mopping the floor, hanging up the washing, showering or even combing your hair may seem like common tasks that we don’t think twice about. However, for people with shoulder problems, everyday activities can become dreaded, painful tasks that […]
Five reasons why goal-setting is important for seniors GOAL. This four-letter word has been used by us all at some stage of our life. What is a goal? One of the simplest definitions of the word “goal”, as defined in the dictionary, is “an aim or purpose”. A goal is a target for achieving a […]
How Australia’s seniors can protect themselves online One of the impacts of coronavirus is the increased speed at which businesses and individuals are migrating to online services and communication platforms. The Physio Co is no different. We started exploring online consultation options in mid-2019, potentially as a small part of our service. Fast forward to […]
The 10 ways Australian seniors can stay healthy during self-isolation The coronavirus pandemic has upended our world. We are now staying in our homes more than ever and limiting where we go. As such, it has become more challenging to maintain our general health as our usual outings have become restricted and our routines changed […]
Physiotherapy helps Magne reach her 350m walking goal We all love our morning coffee and for TPC client Magne, the idea of being able to walk to her local café was a goal that gave her focus and inspiration. At first that target seemed on the limit of what Magne believed was achievable; in fact, […]
COVID-19 Update: Physiotherapy is an essential service This is an update from The Physio Co team as we continue to help you and all of our clients stay mobile, safe and happy through this COVID-19 period. Older people need to mostly keep to normal appointments and treatments Health Minister Greg Hunt yesterday shared an update […]
Unpacking the myths and facts around telehealth (online) consultations With the ongoing impact that COVID-19 is having on our everyday lives, the healthcare system has had to rapidly adapt in order to continue to provide the valuable services that we all need to access. You may have heard the word “telehealth” being used a lot […]
How to exercise with breast cancer: Breaking down the latest evidence In a previous blog article about exercise and cancer (‘Four ways exercise helps with cancer treatment’), we established the many benefits of exercising throughout treatment. In this article, we will answer the four most common questions surrounding exercising with breast cancer. What is the […]
Online physiotherapy to help keep virus-affected seniors mobile, safe and happy. In this uncertain time of response to the fast-spreading COVID-19 virus and and subsequent health-related issues, we at The Physio Co (TPC) worry that older people are at risk of health problems and complications if they don’t see a physiotherapist and/or keep moving during […]
Physiotherapy helps Vic keep up with lawn bowls Back pain is a common complaint, but that doesn’t make the pain any more bearable. But it can be overcome if, like Victor Luke, you decide to tackle it. Vic’s chronic back pain was stopping him from participating in lawn bowls, which he hadn’t played for seven […]
Feeling dizzy? How physio can help Dizziness and vertigo can be difficult to manage, making it hard to do everyday activities such as cleaning, cooking or simply leaving the house alone. People often use the words ‘dizziness’ and ‘vertigo’ interchangeably, but these are actually two different conditions. Dizziness is usually described as light-headedness, unsteadiness or […]
Four ways exercise helps with cancer treatment “If we could turn the benefits of exercise into a pill it would be demanded by patients, prescribed by every cancer specialist and subsidised by government. It would be seen as a major breakthrough in cancer treatment.” Dr Prue Cormie Exercise helps with cancer The floodgates have opened. […]
How TPC’s online physio service helped Aashni’s business Aashni was cleaning at home when her little finger got caught up in her sofa. Within minutes, it became obvious Aashni had seriously injured her finger and a trip to the hospital confirmed a fracture. Despite the appropriate healing time, Aashni could no longer move her finger […]
David’s determination comes to the fore #SeniorsSmashingGoals Exercise is so much easier when it’s fun. Just ask David Pictor, whose motivation for getting fitter was to once again play indoor golf. Difficulty walking and standing for long periods meant he hadn’t taken part in his hobby for 10 years. That was until we got involved. […]
The Physio Co Helps Rodney Set And Achieve Goals At His Own Pace Goal-setting is all about the individual and pushing ourselves to what we can achieve. For Rodney Corbett, a fracture to his left hip in October 2018 set him on a road to recovery that would test his powers of determination. His long-term […]
Building Strong And Healthy Bones In Old Age | The Physio Co “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” … said no good physiotherapist ever! Just like, “You can’t grow new bone in an older person.” Right? Wrong! Bone is a living, growing tissue made up of mostly collagen and calcium. In our younger […]
Prepare for your total knee replacement e-book If knee pain is stopping you from doing what you love, you might be preparing for a total knee replacement (TKR). A total knee replacement is an operation that can reduce pain and improve independence. It replaces the old worn-out bone with an artificial implant to help restore […]
Travel broadens the mind and keeps Betty healthy! The fascination of discovering new places makes travelling a huge attraction for many of us, even as we get older. Case in point, Betty Wale (pictured), of Melbourne, who is determined to keep exploring and even at the age of 90 she’s always got her sights on […]
Aquatic Physiotherapy or Hydrotherapy For Seniors | The Physio Co What is hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy – or aquatic physiotherapy – refers to a water-based exercise program delivered in a swimming pool or specific hydrotherapy pool. It differs from swimming in that: Hydrotherapy aims to decrease pain, increase range of movement and flexibility, as well as develop […]
Benefits of Tai Chi for Seniors | Health & Exercise | The Physio Co For seniors, Tai Chi has become a popular and effective type of exercise that Australians everywhere are embracing. Though this may seem like a relatively new form of exercise, Tai Chi actually has its roots in ancient Chinese martial arts. Tai […]
Online Physio Consultation Case Study | How To Use This Physio Service Online Physio Consultation Case Study Jennifer didn’t feel confident with her balance, which was limiting what she could do around the house and her ability to go for walks or to the shops. Jennifer’s daughter suggested getting help from a physiotherapist to work […]
Short of breath? A physio can help Feeling short of breath? You’re not alone. Shortness of breath or breathlessness is common for older people who have chronic conditions, including those that affect the heart and lungs. These can include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure. Chronic breathlessness is the name given to the […]
Celebrating the TPC ‘Core Values Awards’ winners 2018 The Physio Co’s core value of ‘Be Memorable’ guides us to take the time to celebrate milestones and successes. At our recent TPC Swarm 2018 conference, the biggest event on the TPC calendar, our Most Valuable Person (MVP) of the year award was announced. This is an […]
Body and mind: how physiotherapy can help seniors with dementia As defined by Dementia Australia, dementia describes a collection of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain – thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday tasks. At The Physio Co (TPC), our most effective treatment comes in the form of functional, multi-activity exercises […]
How to improve recovery from total knee replacement A total knee replacement is a big operation, but it’s not as scary as people sometimes think. It’s almost bread and butter for surgeons and physiotherapists, so it’s important to feel comfortable with professionals who are well-versed in the latest research and developments. While the majority of […]
How to prepare for a full knee replacement operation Osteoarthritis (OA) can be really painful. It’s also restrictive, tiring and frustrating. If you have OA in one or both of your knees, the time will potentially come when enough is enough and a full knee replacement is the best solution. But simply turning up for […]
The Physio Co is named one of Australia’s ‘Best Places to Work’ BY TRISTAN WHITE, FOUNDER OF THE PHYSIO CO. (Pictured above, right, with TPC Ops Guy, Mike Quinn) We’ve done it again! I’m very proud to announce that The Physio Co (TPC) has been ranked as one of Australia’s best places to work for […]
Five ways to get the best results from physiotherapy When I was at school, I was never good at homework. I am sure I was not the only one. But it turns out they were trying to teach me something useful! Perhaps I wasn’t invested enough, or I couldn’t clearly see the end goal. But […]
The Physio Co SWARM 2018 Every year the team of physiotherapists and occupational therapists from The Physio Co (TPC) swarm from around Australia to a single location in Melbourne for a day of learning, fun and connection. It’s pretty exciting and the highlight of the year here at TPC! Opening the doors! But this year, […]
What should I wear to my physiotherapy appointment? As physiotherapists working with thousands of clients every week, we have seen it all in terms of the clothes our clients wear to appointments: from suits and ties to pyjamas, jeans, dresses and exercise gear. For us, meeting, assessing and treating clients is what we do every […]
Staying healthier at home for longer – The Physio Co. Most people, as they get older, like to stay living in their own home for as long as possible. We get that at The Physio Co (TPC). We how have Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists doing home visits to help people stay home – and happy […]
Four keys to increased mobility for a happier and longer life We don’t have all the answers at The Physio Co (TPC) but we know a thing or two about staying mobile and how it makes for a happier and longer life. We met a woman called Helen a short while ago. Helen had moved […]
How to get the most out of a short-term respite stay in aged care Complacency is not our thing at The Physio Co (TPC). We like to always search for new ways to keep our senior clients as mobile, safe and happy for as they can be for as long as possible. We once spent […]
Why The Physio Co family continues to thrive The Physio Co (TPC) turned 14 this year. One of our core values, Be Memorable, guide us to ‘take the time to celebrate milestones & successes’, so naturally, we threw a party to celebrate the occasion! This year, however, rather than hold one big party for the entire team, we […]
The Physio Co named one of Asia’s 25 Best Small and Medium Workplaces for 2018 It’s with a lot of pride I can announce that The Physio Co (TPC) has been listed as one of Asia’s 25 Best Small and Medium Workplaces for 2018. It’s the fourth consecutive year TPC has been named on the […]
How storytelling helps bring our ‘think big, act small’ core value to life at The Physio Co. At The Physio Co (TPC), we tell stories of how our core values are being lived in as many conversations as we possibly can. Stories are such a powerful way to share information, praise, reflect and learn. A […]
Helping older people stay mobile, safe and happy – the fun way! At The Physio Co (TPC), we believe older people can stay mobile, safe and happy for as long as possible. It’s something we’re really serious about. Indeed, it’s what drives us, it’s our reason for being. At the same time, we love to smile […]
How to ensure your parents retain their independence as they get older Getting older is not easy, but it can be smoother than you might think. If one of your parents is getting older, say in their 70s, 80s, 90s or even approaching 100 years old, you’ll understand that their mobility, safety and happiness is […]
Making the Most of Your Health Insurance with Physiotherapy Preventative health is one of the most important steps you can take to living a richer and fuller life for longer. The price of preventative health approaches such as physiotherapy is often a major barrier. However, the price of physiotherapy might not be as much as […]
Adults with arthritis need just 45 minutes of activity per week Adults who suffer from arthritis should engage in exercise or physiotherapy as part of a daily routine to stay independent, researchers say. A Northwestern University study has found that completing 45 minutes of moderate exercise or physiotherapy sessions per week can prevent premature death […]
Getting the Most out of Your Health Insurance A lot of people aren’t aware that they’re entitled to far more out of their health insurance plan than they think. Most health insurance plans in Australia include physiotherapy packages, meaning that you could be missing out on working with a top physio with your health insurer […]
Dealing with Headaches the Healthy Way Many people don’t realise that they can treat headaches without the use of paracetamol and anti-inflammatory drugs that, in the long-run, could cause other health issues such as stomach issues and drug dependence. Instead, by working with an expert physio, you can tackle the root of the problem without […]
Most Valuable Person (MVP) of the year award The Physio Co team is forever looking for opportunities to celebrate milestones and successes. Our Most Valuable Person (MVP) of the year award is one of those opportunities – it’s also our biggest and most exciting award! At our TPC Swarm conference last week, the biggest TPC […]
The Physio Co Celebrates 9 Years as one of Australia’s Best Places to Work The Great Place to Work Institute’s tenth annual Best Places to Work Study has been released and The Physio Co has been named as one of Australia’s workplaces (for organisations with over 100 employees). This 2017 award means that The Physio […]
Thank to all of our TPC family members for attending Swarm, 2017 We just wanted to stop for a moment and say thank to all of our TPC family members for attending Swarm, 2017! We are proud to have been able to bring everyone together from all over Australia for a day of fun, connection […]
Swarm 2017: Special Guest Announcement Many TPCers recently completed a nine-week training course entitled ‘Understanding Dementia’ organized through the University of Tasmania. If you are one of these folks, you probably already know Fran – one of the driving forces behind this programme. If you weren’t, allow us to introduce Fran McInerney – our special […]
What is the TPC Swarm Conference? If you caught our post on Saturday, you’ll know that The Physio Co’s TPC Swarm conference is the biggest annual event at The Physio Co and it’s on again this Friday. TPC Swarm is for TPC team members only and it’s one of the few exciting times in the year that […]
Physio Treatment: So Much More Than You Think! A physiotherapist is an important member of the healthcare industry, but not everyone understands exactly what it is that we do. Simply put, physiotherapy helps treat things like pain, strains and sprains, rehabilitation after surgery, and more ongoing conditions like arthritis and diabetes. We typically use exercise, […]
The Physio Co Swarm Conference 2017 Here at The Physio Co, we are excitedly gearing up for our biggest event of the year: TPC Swarm. Next Friday, August 25th, will be a day of learning, storytelling and fun for our entire TPC Team! The name of the event describes what is literally happening: all members […]
Treating Headaches without Drugs It’s not at all uncommon to see people treating headaches and other chronic pains with drugs, but this isn’t always the best approach. Using anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol can potentially lead to other health issues in the long-run such as stomach problems and drug dependence. Furthermore, tackling the problem with drugs […]
Relax and Breathe: Identifying Breathing Patterns Breathing is something that we tend not to think too much about, but the reality is that correct breathing techniques can do wonders for your physical health. As we’ve discussed in previous articles, it’s important that we all take preventative health measures to make sure that we stay fit […]
Physiotherapy can be conducted within the comfort of your own home As we age, our balance and mobility decreases, and the risk of falls or injury increases. So for many people, trying to decide whether they are still able to continue safely living in their home can be difficult, and the answer depends on the […]
People Power and the Benefits It Can Bring to Your Business In previous articles, we’ve talked about the importance of having a strong culture in your business, and the benefits that a culture of innovation will bring to your organisation. And while these are pressing issues, there’s a topic at the core of both of […]
Who Benefits from an Innovative Culture in Business? In a previous article, we talked about the importance of instilling a strong culture within your business, and how this can enhance the experience for your client and give your company a real shot in the arm. This time round, we’re going to be talking about the […]
How the Culture of an Organisation Can Enhance Your Experience as a Client There are plenty of practical steps that business owners and managers need to follow in order to set up and run a successful business. However, one of the more difficult and less tangible concepts to grasp is that of culture. The culture […]
Preventative Health: What Are the Benefits for an Ageing Population? – The Physio Co Preventative health is a term that’s thrown around a lot, but the truth is that few people are truly aware of its importance. By following the right path with preventative health, and engaging with the right professionals, you can enjoy the […]
This year TPC turned 13 and to celebrate we held a mini party at our recent learning event ‘Let’s Get Physical’ in which our physio’s learnt all about running a successful exercise class.
Introducing TPC's 2016 MVP (Most Valuable Person) of the Year - Jess Donsen!!
What an amazing celebration we had once again with the whole TPC family at Alumbra in Docklands.
Painted Picture 2018 The Physio Co’s Painted Picture of 2018 (our 3 year vision) has been revealed! The new vision, shared for the first time at The Physio Co’s 12th Birthday party, is inspiring and challenging and we are looking forward to an exciting three years ahead. Download your copy here.
The Physio Co Culture Book As The Physio Co continues to grow, our annual culture book is our cultural memory bank that records the milestones and successes of a fast growing business. It also inspires us to bigger and better things! Here’s your chance to get inside that award-winning culture of Australia’s No.2 Best Place to Work (according to […]
The Physio Co 12th Birthday Party What a memorable 12th Birthday party we had. This year’s celebrations were at a very special location of Sandy Point in which the TPC family took part in surfing, hiking and just relaxing by the beach. It was a fantastic way to celebrate the amazing 12 years we had […]
TPC’s Most Valuable Physio (MVP) for 2015 – Nancy Klinko! The amazing Nancy was nominated for living our core value of ‘Respect Everyone’ in such a wonderful way. By being generous with her time to help others, Nancy has supported our South Australian team to commence the TPC Physio service at 11 new aged care […]
The Physio Co 2015 Christmas party What an amazing celebration we had once again with the whole TPC family at Alumbra in Docklands. It was great to celebrate the year we had with TPCers and their families as well as a very special visit from Santa. You can check out the photos from the day right […]
TPC’s Joint Venture with Aveo The Physio Co’s Painted Picture of 2016 says ‘‘We are continuously looking for & joining forces with other values-based organisations to help reach even more seniors‘. The Physio Co is excited to announce that we have now joined forces with the Aveo Group. Aveo is Australia’s leading owner and operator of retirement […]
The Physio Co 2014 Christmas party It was another amazing Christmas party for The Physio Co. This year’s event was held at Alumbra, Docklands and fun was had by all. It is always great to celebrate a great year with the TPC family… even Santa joined in the celebrations. If you want to see photos from […]
TPC’s Most Valuable Physio (MVP) for 2014 – Michelle Nguyen! The amazing Michelle Nguyen has been announced as The Physio Co’s Most Valuable Physio (MVP) for 2014. Michelle lived our value of ‘Find a Better Way’ so wonderfully and earned herself a $500 Red Balloon voucher. Wooohoo! Go Michelle.
We are officially BRW’s No.1 Best Place to work in Australia For 2014, The Physio Co has been announced as Australia’s Best Place to Work (under 100 employees). How exciting! This is the sixth consecutive year that TPC has been ranked as one of Australia’s 50 Best Places to work. In 2009, we were ranked […]
The Physio Co team conference 2014 Once a year the whole TPC family get together under one roof for a professional development session and a bit of fun. This year’s conference covered topics on: Pressure prevention and mattresses Physiotherapy management of incontinence in the aged care setting Sling prescription in aged care Seating/positioning principles and […]
On February 18th, The Physio Co celebrated their 10th Birthday! 10 years! What a huge milestone for TPC and what a great way to celebrate it by having the whole TPC family under one roof enjoying a glass of champagne, eating some cake and enjoying each other’s company. What else made the day so special? […]
TPC’s Most Valuable Physio (MVP) for 2013 – Seon Carswell! Seon Carswell has been announced as The Physio Co’s Most Valuable Physio (MVP) for 2013. Seon lived the value of ‘Think Big, Act Small’ and earned herself a $500 Red Balloon voucher. Wooohoo! Go Seon
The Physio Co Christmas party This year’s Christmas party was the best yet. The TPC family all got together on the 8th December at Alumbra, Docklands to celebrate the amazing year we have had. It was great to see so many TPCers and their families under one roof. Even Santa dropped in to say hi. […]
Monash Job Show On October 10th TPC attended the Monash Job Show. We met and chatted with so many amazing physio grads and it was great to see them wearing our TPC caps. Congratulations to Hazel, Amy and Adrian for winning some very special TPC prizes. As a result of the huge interest in TPC as a […]
The Physio Co team conference 2013 Once a year the whole TPC family get together under one roof for a professional development session and a bit of fun. This year’s conference was all about Manual Handling, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Clinical Pilates for Oldies, Understanding Super and a three hour workshop on Parkinson’s. It’s also a […]
The Physio Co’s exciting vision of 2016! The Physio Co’s Painted Picture of 2016 (our 3 year vision) has been revealed! The new vision, shared for the first time at The Physio Co’s 9th Birthday party, is inspiring and challenging. The Physio Co family is on a journey to improving seniors healthcare forever. Some of […]