Recovering from hip replacement with physiotherapy.
You are getting a hip replacement soon. Besides being a little anxious, you’re also excited, and can’t wait to get back to the activities that you love to do. Perhaps it’s getting back to the golf course or returning to some gardening?
Seeking the help of a physiotherapist is a good start to help you get back to these activities and you’ve heard that the physio team at The Physio Co can help. But you have questions like ‘what is physiotherapy?’ and ‘how can it help me on my hip replacement journey?’.
A physiotherapist or physio is someone who assesses, diagnoses, and treats a broad range of conditions that affects the body’s ability to move. A physio’s treatment focuses on restoring strength and movement, improving joint and muscle function, and reducing pain.
At The Physio Co (TPC), our physiotherapists specialise in seniors’ health, and given joints are mostly replaced later in life, assisting joint replacement journeys are part of what we do every day.
So how will a TPC physio help me on my hip replacement journey?
1. Education and confidence-boosting
It is okay if you are feeling a little anxious about the surgery and what will happen after. You may be wondering how you will be able to participate in physiotherapy after your hip replacement.
Physios are well equipped to do more than just prescribe exercises or provide some massage therapy. They are experts in human movement, keen problem solvers. They are skilled in caring for those they treat and assist you in achieving the best possible outcome to live the best life possible.
Your first session with a physiotherapist may seem daunting but it is something to look forward to!
In a typical first session with a physio, they will ask you lots of questions. These are designed to understand you as an individual and assess the way you move. Most importantly, they will listen to your questions or concerns so they can address them and you can feel more at ease about the process ahead.
You will become more educated on hip replacement surgery and also on the best steps to follow afterward. Importantly, you’ll be given plenty of reassurance.
It will be like having a personal cheer squad guiding you through the process and making sure you are well informed and feel confident about what’s ahead.
Make sure you ask your physio any questions that are on your mind about the surgery. Helping you make educated and informed choices along the way is important to us.
So get ready to leave your first physio session full of confidence knowing that you will be guided and assisted through your hip replacement journey.
2. Helping you develop a meaningful goal plan
Developing a meaningful goal plan is an important experience in your physiotherapy journey with a TPC physio. We love helping seniors set and smash meaningful goals.
The goal is usually developed in the first session with your physio and should be meaningful and personal to you.
If you’ve had experience in the past with setting goals, you might be thinking that a goal after your hip replacement might sound like this – “to be able to walk 500 meters without crutches”.
This isn’t a bad goal, but it’s not particularly meaningful and isn’t particularly motivating. At TPC, our team will help you establish what is most important to you.
An example of a meaningful goal set with a TPC physio on your hip replacement journey might sound like this – “to be able to walk without any pain, over to Blackbird Café, so that I can meet my daughter Kerry there for a coffee on Sundays”. Now that’s more motivating!
Your goal will also help the physio to direct the sessions appropriately by providing specific and functional exercises for you to perform so that the road to achieving your goal is made easy.
3. Hip Replacement Rehabilitation
This part of the journey can start before or after your hip replacement.
Pre-habilitation starts prior to a hip replacement, sometimes months or just weeks beforehand depending on your situation. Post-operative rehabilitation is all about restoration, so it commences after your surgery.
Both types of rehabilitation mainly focus on performing exercises that will improve the strength of the muscles around your hip. Improving the amount of movement that you have within your hip joint, improving your balance when standing or walking, and reducing the amount of pain that you have around your hip.
It is important to note that even if you do not find exercise particularly enjoyable, it does not mean that rehabilitation won’t work for you! A TPC physio will find ways to work with you that you find enjoyable.
We have been known to work a game of pool into a rehab session, engage some furry friends to make walks more enjoyable or we might just get you onto your feet by putting on your favourite song and having a boogie with you.
Whatever your preferences, we will make your sessions fun and enjoyable so that you can recover from your hip replacement in a comfortable, safe and happy way!
Get simple, real-time advice and talk with a TPC Physiotherapist today. Easy and affordable online consultation sessions are available here now.
Article written by Salah Zeidan – Physiotherapist